Vaccination Registration & Schedule in Qatar: Comprehensive Guide

Qatar has worked on all of its departments, including the health department. They have also provided a full setup and Vaccination registration and schedule that parents should follow to ensure their children’s immunity. You can explore Hammad Health card options as well.

Are your parent in Qatar? Are you worried about Vaccination in Qatar? Do you want to know about the vaccination schedule? Want to know about this article will provide you with a guide to vaccination in Qatar.

What is Vaccination in Qatar?

Vaccination in Qatar is prioritized to ensure the health of children. First, you need to understand the concept of vaccination. This is a method by which immunity is provided in which immunity is provided from any disease by injecting a weakened part of that agent.

Why does Vaccination matter?

Vaccination protects individuals and communities by preventing the spread of infectious diseases, saving lives, and ensuring long-term health security.

Vaccination registration roles

Vaccination Registration for 1 to 12 Year Old in Qatar

To register for vaccination for children aged 1 to 12 years in Qatar:

  • Use the Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC): Visit your nearest PHCC health centre or call 107 to inquire about the vaccination schedule and registration process.
  • Register via Metrash2: Log in to the Metrash2 app and check for vaccination services to book an appointment.
  • Required Documents: Prepare the childโ€™s Qatar ID and vaccination record (if available).
  • Visit the Health Center: Attend the appointment at the designated health centre for the vaccination.
  • For more details, you can contact the Ministry of Public Health or visit

Vaccination Schedule in Qatar

A vaccination Schedule has been provided in Qatar for children to protect them from diseases. The mentioned schedule is provided by the government for your ease it is provided.

Vaccination Schedule in Qatar

Vaccination At Time of Birth

The child needs some vaccinations after birth to enhance his immunity and parents should ensure that their child gets this vaccination on time the needed vaccination is provided below:

  • BCG
  • HBVO

2 to 4 Months: Strengthening Defenses

To continue the process of strengthening immunity, they should receive vaccinations against Diphtheria, Pertussis, Hepatitis B, Hemophilus, and Influenza type B by using the pentavalent vaccine process. Additionally, Rotavirus vaccine and polio vaccines are crucial between the ages of 2 to 4 months.

  • Pentavalent / Hexavalent Vaccine
  • Rotavirus Vaccine
  • polio

6 to 18 months: Expanding Protection

Maintaining immunity requires more doses of the Pentavalent vaccine and MMR vaccine between the ages of 6 to 18 months. 

  • Pentavalent Vaccine
  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)

18 to 24 months: Strengthening Immunity

They should receive Hepatitis A and Meningococcal vaccines to further fortify their immunity between the ages of 18 to 24 months. 

  • Hepatitis A
  • Meningococcal

4 to 6 years: Preparing for School

Booster doses are essential for the healthy immune system of children, so that’s why children aged 4 to 6 are vaccinated with the DTP, Polio, MMR, and chickenpox vaccines.

  • DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis)
  • polio
  • Varicella (Chickenpox Vaccine)

10 to 12 years: Ensuring Continued Protection

To ensure continued protection it is important to vaccinate children with the vaccine mentioned below for children of age 10 to 12ย 

  • HPV
  • Tdap
  • Meningococcal


Priorities your child’s health by adhering to Qatar’s comprehensive vaccination schedule. Following this schedule ensures that your child is shielded against a range of preventable diseases, fostering a healthy and vibrant future. Your childโ€™s health is the most precious gift you can give them, and vaccination is one of the best ways.ย Qatar offers multiple health services on hammad health card.

Frequently Asked Question

A Vaccination schedule is a timeline that outlines when the vaccination should be provided to provide the best defense action.

It is recommended to get it done on time but under certain conditions, it can be delayed and adjusted.

Yes, you can check your vaccination schedule online by the website.

International tourists can get the Yellow Fever Vaccine known as ICVP.

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